sabato 7 febbraio 2009

The Blobby Blob Blobs and the Haunted Castle

One day Mr Nervous was walking down the road. Suddeny he saw a… ghost

What is the matter Mr Nervous?” Said Crazy Hair.
“I saw a ghost.”
“Don’t be such a silly Billy! Ghosts don’t exist!”

“What are you doing?” said Yellow face.
“He says he’s seen a ghost.” Said Crazy Hair.
“I have an idea! We’ll go to a haunted castle tonight.”

That night they set off.

They arrived.

(in picture) "Ghosts are the best!"

Come on, let’s go up the stairs.


The ghost says: "I will kill you!"

Crazy Hair said: “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!”
All the way home.

5 commenti:

Brunella ha detto...

Se ho capito bene gli sono venuti i capelli dritti per la paura dei fantasmi? Bacio dalla zia italiana!

desian ha detto...

Il miglior blogger che io conosca...!
E sicuramente il più divertente.

Anonimo ha detto...


Mamma ha detto...

What a scary story! If you could see me now, I look like Crazy Hair in the last picture!

Eva Ricciuti ha detto...

CHe deliziosa storia!
Bravissimo Filgio-uno!!!!