domenica 25 gennaio 2009

The Dinosaurs Song

Blobby loves dinosaurs!!!

venerdì 9 gennaio 2009

Blobby Blobs Video

martedì 6 gennaio 2009

The Blobby Blob Blobs

One day Crazy Hair was walking down the road. Suddenly Yellow Face came running down the road.

"What is the matter?" said Crazy Hair.

"I can't say it!"
"Oh! Spit it out!"
"I told you, I can't."

Yellow Face said: "Now I can say it."
"What did you want to say?"
"The sun is falling."

They run and run.

"There it is!" Said Yellow Face.
"Oh you silly billy. That's a football!"
"Silly me!"

"Come on, let's go home."